Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bohemian and Hippie

I wasnt always a fan of the bohemian hippie-esque sort of look. That is until my senior year in high school. I became a full blown "fippie". I describe myself as a "fippie" because I wore all the clothes......went to all of the jam band shows.....partied all night (normal yes) camped.....traveled....but I drove a brand new BMW with grateful dead stickers all over the back. Fippie aka fake hippie. I have since changed. Not going to all of the shows, not camping as much as I used to but one thing never did change. I still LOVE the look...and the music! Its relaxed. Awesome colors, psychedelic prints.....who wouldnt love it! Here are some looks that I pulled from my shop on etsy. Love the boho hippie look or not so much?


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Love the last one...actually all of them!!

drollgirl said...

i think the last one is the best!

Kati said...

Love the second one!

Mimi said...

Love it! Always have, I am not sure there is just something about it. Anyway I am so glad to be back I have missed my blog and yours too!

By the way what is your email address? I wanted to ask you a quick question about your layout...


Frankie said...

These are all gorgeous! x

PhilO♥ said...

I love these pictures.
I love fashion. And I also like to design!
You have a chick blog! Pretty :) ♥♥