Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Grease is Back?

I see it everywhere......tight rolled jeans and a vintage tank or tee. Of course with my wardrobe I can totally check off this list as I have both. But are tight rolled jeans really back in? I always think just simple torn loose fitted jeans are perfect......why roll? Are you a fan of the 'grease' day tight roll? Harem pants are in...like we didnt know that! I remember wearing a pair of harem pants to a going away party over 3 years ago. I was totally picked on for them as I guess they werent splashed all over the fashion mags yet. Lets just say......Im pretty happy they are in now. Total haters! Do you love or hate these saggy yet fitted pants?


Mimi said...

Grease is the word!

lol I like the peg jeans but they're hard to pull off, but when worn right they look good


Leila Marvel said...

Grease is the word, thanks for sharing.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Love the baggy pants and I don't roll. I just like all my pants baggy!

Kati said...

I like rolled skinny jeans, but those wide ones...not sure about that yet.

Nat said...

Cut the jeans off and let them get ragged. Not a fan of harem pants, but more power to you....

drollgirl said...

welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, i can't really make these works look, but more power to those that can. and please photograph all these looks ladies, so we can laugh again in 20 years. :)

calivintage said...

you know, when i saw it at first i was against it, but i definitely think rolling up my skinnies gives them new life for this season.

Unknown said...

i'm currently wearing my vintage/distressed jeans...rolled at the leg! Grease is the word! i hope i'm not totally out of style!
As for harem pants, i really want a pair, but i'm worried that only the fashion-savvy will 'get it'.