Friday, March 6, 2009

Favorite Accessory

I would say that my favorite part of an outfit and getting dressed up for a Friday night would have to be the shoes! I remember when I was living in Australia, I stayed at a student housing place. The building looked like a spanish clay shingles, white huge archways and a turquoise door. The rooms however were a little shabbier....not quite shabby chic even. To make my room one of the favorites amongst the girls who I was friends with, I lined the perimeter with all of my shoes. They were sooo colorful and it was a like a big walk in closet....LOVED it! There wasnt any closet space to house my favorite accessories aka my babies, so that was it. These are just a few picks of what we have up in our etsy shop and what used to line my room with in Australia. How about those Bruno Magli mary janes?! Happy Weekend!


Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Love those boots! What a great idea to line shoes around the room...if I remember, hats used to do the trick too!! LOL!

drollgirl said...

what a brilliant idea!!!!

Kati said...

The Mary janes are so adorable!

Mimi said...

Great idea! I love the shoes, the red flats and Mary-Janes are fab


Gia said...

the boots look amazing, so vintage and stylish:)
have a good day!

Jodie / Lova Revolutionary said...

Love those red flats! I almost bought a pair of skinny Nine West red loafers recently but had to resist!